A very simple question why do we click pictures? What is so special and unique about photography during treks?
If you don’t have the answer then trust me photography is the best among all art to describe the anything and everything. Many people think that photography is not an art and therefore it need not to have much attention as painting need, but I feel it’s totally wrong. Photography can be a different way of expressing emotions or feeling living any moment. I personally feel photography adds on color to my soul to every single breath I take especially when I travel. I love to capture, capture everything, the beauty of nature, beauty of people, innocence of kids, and what not, But Photography During Treks is one of the most difficult thing.
Before I begin to express my love for photography let’s look at some point everyone must remember during photography during trekkings.
If your camera is your friend and you are ready to explore your friend then trust me you are the best photographer. I have heard many people saying people click good pictures because they have expensive camera or different lenses, but believe me it all depends on how you handle your camera. During my last visit to Jaipur I met a young girl with amazing photography skills, who was clicking with her Smartphone itself. So she twisted the whole plot.
Let’s quickly jot down some basics one should remember while photography.
Shutter speed
Shutter speed or exposure time is the length of time when the camera is exposed to light, also when a camera’s shutter is open during photography. The amount of light that reaches the image sensor is proportional to the exposure time. DSLRs have shutter speeds starting from 1/8000 of a second to 30 seconds.
While shooting moving objects always keep high shutter speed. Slower shutter speed allows more light to fall on sensor resulting in better click.
NOTE: For shutter speed less than 1/30 seconds try to use tripod or keep your camera to have better and clear clicks.
Shot of a young man taking photographs while hiking in the mountains
The aperture of camera lenses is adjusted to control the amount of light; the aperture size will regulate the exposure to light. It also adds blur effect to the photograph by setting wider aperture like 1.4, 1.8, and 2.8. Landscapes are the core of trekking so when it comes to landscapes choose a higher aperture number like f/11, f/16.
This is a long process so first explore your camera on nearby places or destinations to you. Even if you use auto mode still have full knowledge of ISO, shutter speed, and aperture as these are 3 pillars of photography.
ISO is simply a camera setting that will brighten or darken a photo. It is best tool for you to capture image in dark environment or especially if you are a night traveler. DSLR have iso ranging from 100 to 6400. A low ISO is less sensitive to light so capture picture with more details. A photo taken at too high of an ISO will show a noise, and might not be usable. You should only raise your ISO when you are unable to brighten the photo via shutter speed or aperture instead. In low light, you will have to either increase your ISO or reduce your shutter speed, but lowering shutter speed can lead to click blur images if you don’t have tripod in that case you can ignore the noise of the picture. Keep ISO high if surroundings don’t support you with enough of natural light. A normal daylight image can be clicked with ISO 100 whereas a picture clicked in night needs ISO 1600 or maybe higher depending on your location.
NOTE: Clicking a best shot is all about balancing ISO, shutter speed, and aperture together.
Composition and framing
The role of any rule of composition is to draw the eye into a photograph. While clicking pictures all you need to focus is on angle, height, color, texture, symmetry, pattern and your perfect click is right in your camera. Always remember the ratio while clicking and the type of picture you are going to click, like 3:1 for clicking portrait. Although, many people say we will crop the picture but leaving the concept of cropping from your mind try to set an angel in your mind while clicking any picture.
NOTE: Setting a composition and fitting that into a perfect frame needs practice which can be done anywhere even while sitting in a room, all you need is to play with the camera.
Leading lines and S curves
Creating lines gives new perspective to your picture, starting from leading lines from the corner brings the interest of the viewer towards the picture. Always add on the objects or view you think is relevant to your picture. Adding on unwanted space or object is the most common mistake done by many photographers, which can be easily ignored if focused properly on the your lines and curves. Always take a wider picture, don’t cut off any object and set a frame in your picture.
NOTE: Give little freedom to your camera, set an image already in your mind and let the picture get slightly straight and align without cutting any part from picture.
While photography during treks light is all you need on your side. The moment you will understand the game of light your camera will be full of best picture collection. The challenge is getting morning and evening light in your frame, as it helps in creating bright back lit effect. In natural light you cannot change the light source or object so you have to change your position and fit into the best position. A bright sunny day is perfect for landscapes but even a cloudy day is worth clicking if you know the trick of dealing with light. For that you need to understand the concept of soft and hard light, soft light results either in soft shadows or no shadows whereas hard light will definitely result in hard shadow.
At some points you can also leave the basic concepts and just click for fun and to explore yourself and your camera. With these basics I wish you best of luck for your photography hobby keep on enjoying with your camera and learn to play, explore with your camera.
Happy clicking…